
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Filled Under:

MESTI BACA !! Bahasa Singkatan Internet Yang Biasa Digunakan Pada Masa Kini !!

LOL, APTB, SMH, TTYL… pening kepala juga apabila membaca bahasa internet yang digunakan masa sekarang .

Ianya bukan sahaja susah untuk disebut , malah maksudnya juga tidak dapat fahami . 

Oleh yang demikian dihimpunkan antara bahasa internet yang sering digunakan orang pada masa sekarang .

APTB – Apa pun tak boleh

ATEOTD – At the end of the day

BFF – Best friend forever

BFGFBFF: Boyfriend Girlfriend Best Friends Forever

BFN – Bye for now

BRB – Be right back

BTW – By the way

BTDT – Been there, done that

CU – See you (later)

DL – Download

FYI – For your information

FBF – Flashback Friday

GTG – Got to go

HB – Happy Birthday
ICYMI – I case you missed it

IDK – I don’t know

IYKWIM – If you know what I mean

ILY – I love you

ILYSM – I love you so much

IMO – In my opinion

IMHO – In my humble opinion

IMNSHO – In my not so humble opinion

IRL – In real life

JK or j/k – Just Kidding

KTHXBYE – Ok, thanks, bye.

LOL – Laugh out loud

LMAO – Laughing my ass off

LMGTFY – Let me Google that for you

LMK – Let me know

LYLAB – Love you like a brother

LYLAS – Love you like a sister

L8R – Later

MIL – Mother in law

NSFW – Not safe for work

NVM – Nevermind

OFN – Old freaking news

OMG – Oh my god

OMK – Oh mak kau

OMW – On my way

OOTD – Outfit of the day

O RLY – Oh really?

OTP – On the phone

OTW – On the way

PPL – People

RL – Real life

ROFL / ROTFL – Rolling on the floor laughing

SMH – Shaking my head

TBH – To be honest

TB - Throwback

TBT – Throwback Thursday

TGIF – Thank God it’s Friday

THX – Thanks

TMI – Too much information

TTFN – Ta ta for now

TTYL – Talk to you later

TTYS – Talk to you soon

TY – Thank you

TYT – Take your time

TYVM – Thank you very much

WTH – What the hell

W8 – Wait

YOLO – You only live once

YW – You’re welcome

<3 – Love


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